Weaving the Future:
The Ongoing Revitalization of the NEVADA CITY RANCHERIA Nisenan Tribe
A window into CHIRP’s work, celebrating the progress and Revitalization of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe, their Culture, and Ancestral Homelands

Spring at Yulića
Spring is on the horizon, and with it comes a new season of creativity and connection through CHIRP's Tribal Arts Enrichment project, a key component of the Visibility Through Arts (VTA) initiative.

Honoring Ginger
We celebrate the birth of Virginia "Ginger" Covert.
Although she has passed from the earthly realm, and we cannot see her, we certainly can feel her presence all around us and in everything we do.

Reflecting on 2024
As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on a year filled with joy, success, challenges, and invaluable learning.
Guided by our mission to preserve, protect, and perpetuate Nisenan Culture, we celebrate the milestones achieved with your support.